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Welcome to the ICQC 2018 Satellite Conference on "Theoretical Studies of Magnetic Systems: Methodological Developments and Applications"!
The conference gathers theoreticians, specialist of correlated methods and applications to magnetic molecules and materials. Two key notes of one hour will be respectively devoted to challenges in magnetism from an experimentalist point of view and promising methodologies for the treatment of highly correlated systems by an expert in methodology. The other invited contributions will be thirty minutes long. Additional oral contributions will be selected by the scientific committee and preferentially attributed to young researchers. A call for contributions will be open soon. Several round tables and poster sessions will give the opportunity to debate on nowadays and future theoretical challenges and topics.
The conference will be held in a prestigious Renaissance Hotel (Hotel d’Assézat), in the center of Toulouse from June 13th to 16th. Toulouse is an attractive city that has an intense cultural life.